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Many student are thrown into confusion on how
universities calculate jamb and post utme score to
admit aspirant This calculation often leads to the selection of the departmental cut off mark for each department in various university.
In some school, 1 post utme question carry 4 marks,
2 marks, 1 marks respectively, depending on the
The most common method adopt by most school is 1 mark for 1 question which result to 100 question for 100 marks.
The post utme score will be added to jamb score and divided by 4 to arrive at the final score which will
determine either a candidate is qualified for admission or not.
For example.
If you score 250 in jamb, together with 60 in post
utme exam
250+60 = 310
310/4 = 77
A candidate with 77 total score will be able to study any course in any university. You can use this same method for your jamb score and focus on a target ahead of your post utme examination.
Many student are thrown into confusion on how
universities calculate jamb and post utme score to
admit aspirant This calculation often leads to the selection of the departmental cut off mark for each department in various university.
In some school, 1 post utme question carry 4 marks,
2 marks, 1 marks respectively, depending on the
The most common method adopt by most school is 1 mark for 1 question which result to 100 question for 100 marks.
The post utme score will be added to jamb score and divided by 4 to arrive at the final score which will
determine either a candidate is qualified for admission or not.
For example.
If you score 250 in jamb, together with 60 in post
utme exam
250+60 = 310
310/4 = 77
A candidate with 77 total score will be able to study any course in any university. You can use this same method for your jamb score and focus on a target ahead of your post utme examination.